Woosung Vacuum Pump WSSR-V1.5K

Woosung Vacuum Pump WSSR-V1.5K


Woosung Vacuum Pump WSSR-V1.5K

Technical Data   WSSR-V1.5K
Nominal Displacement l/m 1500
Ultimimate Pressure Torr 5 x 10ˉ3
Motor Version 50Hz/60Hz Three Phase 380V
Motor Version 50Hz/60Hz Single Phase -
Nominal Motor Rating kW Three Phase 2.2
Nominal Motor Rating kW Single Phase -
Nominal Motor Speed 50Hz Min-1 410
Oil filling liter 5
Weight Approx 50Hz/60Hz KG 236
Cooling water l/min -

Design Features
  1. Excellent ultimate vacuum and pumping speed.
  2. Easy control of gas ballast valve.
  3. Simple compact design.
  4. Efficient cooling system, air-cooling for WSSR-V1.5K and water-cooling for the rest, for continuous operation.
  5. Low vibration level and low noise level.
  6. Vacuum flange (KSB-1540) is used for inlet and outlet of pump.
  7. Easy maintenance and repairing.

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